Yes! Yes! We are talking about this moment in which you are reading this article. But are you really here? As in here here? Or a world of its own is spinning in that deep, brilliant mind of yours! Do, take this as a cue, and come back. No! Really you ought to! But it’s way easier said than done. Being in the present is as cliché as the phrase ‘winter is coming.”

Live in the present. Be Present. Cease the moment. Life is in the now. We’ve all heard and read so much. But how much have we been able to implement? And isn’t even possible?

It’s so easy to skip the traffic signal that’s stopping you and think of home, family or while relaxing in the theatre to go over the to-do list. Or while half-way in sleep, checking emails.

But research advocates that being in the present isn’t an unachievable feat. It can be self-taught, disciplined and incorporated in everyday life. Although habits are not built overnight but neither was Rome. The point being- you can live in the present. You are only going to need perseverance and patience. Every time the mind hovers in the past or is gloating in the future, you have to be willing to break the current context and be willing to bring yourself back to present. If we continue doing so, this mind will get habituated to the phenomenon of ‘This Moment.’

Every morning exercise and meditation is an essential kick start towards the journey of This Moment. Bringing your mind into the present with the help of breathing exercises or breathwork is another very handy and most widely recommended tool to achieve a state of present mindedness. But it could happen that post meditation, mind after some time being in the present takes us back to the past or the future. At times like these, engaging yourself in whatever activities you are performing in rest of the day by consciously keeping oneself in the present must be put to use.

And if you’re already worried about you missing out on any thoughts while you are being busy in the present, don’t you sweat it! It’s the anxiety talking. We have for the longest time trained our minds to be preoccupied in the past or future, anxiety inducing thoughts are natural. It’s the mind’s coping mechanism that is trying to keep us away from making a change. And it is at times like these that we need to remind ourselves the purpose we chose to be in present.

Doing our sincerest bit with the humblest of efforts is what we can do. After that, all your got to do is be in This Moment.

Categories: lifestyle


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